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Member Since 01 Oct 2017
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01 October 2017 - 06:59 AM



I was just wondering waht are the complete commands.


-SP hides passives

-morph hides morphling -+ spell.


There is a command that I've been looking for it for a while now: Release Poison It's supposed to remove the secondary spell of Shadow Demon's 3rd spell (Shadow poison)


Shadow Poison (w) is that purple missile you send and stacks on the target. Release Poison (e) is its secondary spell. When you press it it activates Shadow poison stacks.



Techies also has a secondary spell for the ULT. It's to explode the remote mines (f).



Anyways, I was interested in finding that command to Hide Release Poison (e). I know this command exists beause somone told it to me a couple of months ago and I used it. But now I forgot what it was.


Thanks in advance.