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Member Since 05 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active May 08 2016 06:06 AM

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In Topic: rearm + phantasm

08 May 2016 - 03:21 AM

It is an extremely valid question, but obviously it was rhetorical.

In Topic: Plz Nerf

14 April 2016 - 05:39 AM

Why does no one ever take any accountability for their position and playstyle against rearm combos?

It takes time to level up these skills sufficiently and get all the items needed to spam rearm. What the fuck are you doing while they do that?

Rearm combos are annoying, overpowered (in some cases), and with a little luck can often make a difficult game easy. But they are rarely so OP that they require outright banning or removal. I don't even think rearm roots should have been nerfed, it generally took most players 45 mins to setup that its hard to argue you could do nothing against it.

Half these "superOP" rearm combos are completely dependent on getting the drop on the enemy... Yet the vast majority of players never buy wards(of either type) or smoke, and even more players use them so sparingly that it becomes pointless.

In Topic: Please remove rearm eclipse with Aghanims

31 March 2016 - 04:13 AM

There are very few instances where rearm eclipse cannot be countered by blademail or hood and some HP. Blademail costs half of what aghs does and said rearm'er would need a lot of HP or a BKB to deal with the damage from blademail early on. You playing poorly against some skills does not make them broken.

In Topic: 6.85h Bug Reports

31 March 2016 - 04:06 AM

Netherblast does not multicast despite -mc saying so and the red multicast text showing up on cast. Always does just 1x damage.