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Member Since 01 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2014 01:36 AM

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In Topic: .79 v3f bugs

02 November 2013 - 07:13 PM

the -ms likely doesnt show it because its a completely different type of bonus codewise (to make sure u can exceed the max movespeed cap). likely simply the command has to be reworked a bit, but the ms of thirst works.

I am well aware of the hardcoded limit of 522 ms, however if you read my reply then you'll see that I said I didn't just go by that command but that the hero really didn't appear to move any faster with the buff.


If however you say that it does work, then I'll assume I was observing something incorrectly.

I had tested it and didn't notice a faster movement, but if you confirm it's working then I dont have much reason to suspect otherwise

In Topic: Damage bug(caused possibly by drow aura)

01 November 2013 - 12:04 AM

clearly some interaction with last word being cast on huskar, I would suspect drow damage aura having something to do with it but maybe also huskar passive , because no other hero was affected by it


on the other hand, huskar wasn't getting drow aura damage for msot of the game

In Topic: .79 v3f bugs

30 October 2013 - 08:13 PM

-ms but I also looked at actual model movement, it didn't appear to go faster



did u checked seeker via -ms? this command doesnt support such kind of things


-ms always showed these kinds of bonuses


and also the bonuses should be completely different (i know the lod tooltip said +6 armor) but 6.79 said armor bonus removed

In Topic: Tank Guide

28 October 2013 - 09:57 PM

so much wrong stuff

most important, if you buy hood or vanguard you by definition haven't picked the skills for a tank and you just wasted 4k gold instead of using it on stuff that will actually allow you to tank properly, like a butterfly or satanic. Squishy heroes need hood, if enemy has multicast however then even hood goes out of the window by default (unless you need it to survive double zeus mc)


there is only one tank combo in lod and you didn't mention a skill that's core for that. Anything else is a draft where the only question being asked is how many seconds will you survive with that swipes/feast/permastun/mort/essence/any-other-dozen-combos smashing you


Not once have I seen your type of "tank" be a relevant factor in the outcome of a game, if anything it's always a waste of skill slots


I'll be nice however and tell you the skills that absolutely must not be picked if you ever wish to have a win rate of above 50%

1. Return 2. Atrophy Aura 6. Heartstopper Aura 8. Dragons Blood 10. Corrosive Skin 11. Mana Shield 12. Anti-Mage's Spell Shield 13. Counter Helix 15. Untouchable 16. Gravekeeper's Cloak 17. Cold Embrace 18. Blur  23. Unstable Current

and the 2 big no-no items as explained already are vanguard and hood (unless in special circumstances as explained)

In Topic: Omnislash

16 October 2013 - 01:21 PM

we're working on a fix for borrowed time, likely some typo in the code is the devil here. rupture killing isnt a bug simply because it technically doesnt deal damage.

omnislash should be fixed next version.

I'll clarify


rupture will always kill during borrowed time, because rupture causes HP loss through "HP removal" which borrowed time doesn't prevent because it's not an actual damage type (like the usual magic, physical, pure, mixed).

Killing blow from rupture is dealt then by dealing a TON of damage, again which borrowed time cannot prevent


So it's neither an LoD nor even an actual DotA issue