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Member Since 17 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2017 08:03 PM

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In Topic: Rearm

02 July 2017 - 07:33 PM

I would be very sad if the old rearm was removed. I'm part of the minority who mostly used it more akin to the standard Dota tinker though - less cheesing with ultimates (MSW, RoC, phantasm etc.), and more just picking a ton of spells that worked nicely with rearm (fissure, torrent, blood rite, invoker spells etc.). I love rearm (usually instapicked it in -s6 if I had tinker and went from there) as a spell so I've tried almost all builds that I could think of. I'd say I'm pretty skilled by LoD standards - usually got like 75-80% winrate on the EU bot that was called BGN/Slash gaming IIRC (it went through a bunch of namechanges the years I played there). Mode I played was essentially -sds6bo with 20 hero pool.

From what I saw, most rearm combos didn't really present a problem because so few used them. Imo these were the ones that were really problematic: MSW, RoC, Phantasm, Agha Eclipse, and Chrono. These are a bit "braindead" in the sense that they are both pretty broken and require very little skill to win the game with, while also being nearly uncounterable. I'd include rearm doom in that list but rarely saw other people using it.

While a lot of the others could be very powerful (and very fun!), they didn't really stand out compared to the "meta" imo. You had berseker blood + fury swipes soloing rosh at 5 min, nigh-unkillable "tanks" with all 3 passive triggered healing modifiers (->taking 13% dmg with 22% returned and a fuck ton of quills...), MC builds that could instagib most heroes (special mention to extra casts of freezing field being uninteruptable!), MC builds that could instagib the whole enemy team while standing in the fountain etc. There were never really considered a problem, yet for some reason rearm builds are.

In general I also think the LoD shouldn't try to overbalance things. Let's not kid ourselves - it's a fun mode about trying different hero builds, not a competitive one. The random/blind process in which skills are assigned kind of precludes it from that (not criticizing it - it's a good way to force yourself to think of interesting combos while also allowing you to build powerful combos), and the skill level in the community compared to e.g Dota 2 is pretty low.

In Topic: Rearm button

02 July 2017 - 06:22 PM


This is just a problem with Rearm on CD being a dummy spell. If we change it to a normal ultimate (as described in the main rearm thread), this wont be a problem anymore.


What would happen if you removed the dummy spell altogether and instead just hid rearm for the CD duration? Either way, I would appreciate if the dummy spell didn't use up a hotkey (didn't find any way to remove it last time I tried)