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Member Since 31 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2016 10:55 AM

Topics I've Started

Dagger... No more dagger...

27 December 2015 - 08:58 PM

Ok i buy Kelen's dagger ingame, then i die and dagger has vanished from my inventory.. Our fountain area is left with some dummy items and opposite tean rooftrellen has got muted kelen dagger on his inventory.


And cheat death some really really buggy unkillable skill.

We Come In Peace!! BOOM

10 October 2015 - 10:14 AM

So i'm having a suggestion for this skills damage type...


This skill used to be a part of some of my favourite combinations throughout LoD history but yesterday trying to playing it again, (we are still playing older version 6.83 so not yet berserk blood nerf) This skill is in every way completely underused, and people only take it for "fun combinations" however it could be really be made more efficient choice...


Anyways, i was utterly devastated finding out simply 1 passive skill, blocking it completely...Yeah you quessed it... It's BB.

Thought it was supposed to be mixed damage spell (phys/magical) but it seem BB completely blocked it at low hp levels... So mine friend said it works in a way that which ever resist the most is used? However i thought it was supposed to work as separate...


D2 quote

The following damage types were removed in patch 6.82 to simplify the game mechanics.


Composite damage (also known as mixed damage) was a physical damage type that was reduced by both armor and magic resistance. It went through magic immunity and did not affect ethereal units. This damage type was used by 16px-Acid_Spray_icon.png?version=1e85c8f Acid Spray, 16px-Wild_Axes_icon.png?version=d3023fcc Wild Axes, 16px-Diabolic_Edict_icon.png?version=9a9 Diabolic Edict, 16px-Summon_Spirit_Bear_icon.png?version Summon Spirit Bear (the backlash damage), 16px-Land_Mines_icon.png?version=68617d0 Land Mines and 16px-Suicide_Squad%2C_Attack%21_icon.png Suicide Squad, Attack!. All of them were changed to physical damage, except for the backlash damage from the Spirit Bear, which was changed to pure damage.



So i'd suggest please make it so, or even better make it pure so people actually sometimes pick it...



Unleash the beast

05 September 2015 - 08:45 AM

So when is the new map version estimated to be released? Thought it was for end of august but is there much work still left?

Recreated hero due to a fatal Error

28 August 2015 - 04:18 PM

Thing happened. Got too little lvlvs on skills afterwards and couldnt hide my passives with -sp anymore.

Hero vanish bug. Manta+Alchemist?

02 August 2015 - 07:33 PM

So in this game late game like 55 mins or so. Our gyrocopter vanished from map completely. After i think he used manta with alchemists ultimate.


Replay below