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Member Since 23 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active May 31 2015 09:27 AM

Topics I've Started

frostmourne+morphing skills

26 September 2013 - 09:02 PM

still doesnt seem fixed. 

just saw a game where frostmourne+chemical rage caused frostmourne to not work.

oracle carry builds

18 September 2013 - 08:41 PM

not entirely sure but these builds often seem quite strong if not even too strong to me. just getting 3 passives (ideally some increasing ias like frostmourne or lycan passive) and oracle ulti and from lvl 6 on u got a hard-to-kill carry which shoots out tons of dps. 

rarely seen anyone else apart from me going this build, so not entirely sure bout this. what's your thoughts?

suicide optimization

09 September 2013 - 07:39 AM

had this juicy game yesterday with suicide and natural order. that -armor -spell res makes sure that suicide hits hard until lategame. rounded the build up with stormbolt and overgrowth and got veil.

soul catcher penitence and flesh golem spring to mind as well but natural order rly is the key synergy here.