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Member Since 29 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2018 10:34 PM

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How about an eshift item?

21 January 2016 - 02:34 AM

I'd like to see the introduction of an item that grants an eshift-like effect. Specifically I was thinking of a recipe that upgrades from MoM at a combined cost of around 3500-4000, temporarily drains one of each stat per hit (like eshift) but doesn't grant  the stats to the item owner. Instead a modest bonus of attack speed and damage could be passively granted by the item. I think it would have to not stack with eshift itself in order to not be too OP.


Most skills in dota have had items that grant similar abilities, but some of the newer ones like eshift don't and this would fix that. More combinations, more counters. 


This might help counter super unkillable tanks that can 1v5+2 towers without being in trouble.