I have found several builds based on the combo Degen Aura + Pulse Nova to be very nasty and overpowered.
I think the most successful is this one:
1. Degen Aura
2. Blood Bath
3. Static Field
4. Decay or Quill Spray (or Other low CD AoE spell like Death Pulse or Shallow Wave, some Lightnings from Zeus or Lesharc)
5. Flesh Golem or Chemical Rage
6. Pulse Nova
Let me explain what's happening.
Basically when you cast pulse nova the enemies close to you stop moving. If you have enough HP and mana you can deal tons of damage and kill everybody close to you. Nevertheless if they try overtake you with spells the Static Field will punish them. Chemical rage boosts your HP regen to insane level plus you get healed from blood bath when something dies near you. Flesh Golem is also very good for this combo, because the damage amplification from Decay and Quill Spray can kill everybody with just 3-4 casts.
Decay increases your Strength and HP and you are getting fatter and fatter. You never stop spamming the low CD spell to constantly trigger Static Field.
What you need is tons of mana so pick str. hero with a lot of intelligence increased per level. Kaolin, Bristeback etc or combine with someone with Essence Aura.
Items that serves best1 are Aghanim, Dagger, Shiva's Guard, HoT, Radiance, Blade mail, Linken Sphere
Also I will play with Rot next time, but I think the movement speed slow factor is maxed just because you are using Degen Aura + Pulse Nova with Aghanim.
Happy tanking