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D6 bugs

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#1 MapHackUser



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Posted 27 March 2020 - 06:42 PM

I cant double click teleport to auto teleport to fountain

when u click arrow the circle sucks if its an update not a bug remove it because not only i hate it.


This is what i am using in config maybe, its affecting my teleport not double clicking.


;You can use Alt, Shift and Ctrl modifiers like "ShiftQ" for Shift+Q or "CtrlW" for Ctrl+W. Leave empty if you don't want to use them.
;Binded keys are active in menus and able to override WC3 hotkeys
;You can chose special hotkeys from the list here https://msdn.microso...1(v=vs.85).aspx
;To use special hotkeys enter them as 0x (hex representation), f.i. 0x70 for F1, 0x71 for F2, shift0x71 for Shift+F2, and so on
;Skill slots 5 and 6 - the one in the middle above normal skills
;Command panel
SkillSlot1 =
SkillSlot2 =
SkillSlot3 =
SkillSlot4 =
;SkillSlot5 can also be used to learn "Attribute bonus" inside hero skills menu
SkillSlot5 =
SkillSlot6 =
;Quick Cast - instantly applies the spell to the target under cursor
QuickCastSlot1 = 
QuickCastSlot2 = 
QuickCastSlot3 = 
QuickCastSlot4 = 
QuickCastSlot5 = 
QuickCastSlot6 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot1 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot2 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot3 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot4 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot5 = 
QuickCastInventorySlot6 = 
ASkillSlot1 =
ASkillSlot2 =
ASkillSlot3 =
ASkillSlot4 =
ASkillSlot5 =
ASkillSlot6 =
;Full panel rebinding
;Use this in case if you wanna rebind default buttons
BindMove =
BindStop =
BindHold =
BindAttack =
BindPatrol =
BindOpenHeroSkills =
;Hotkeys for buttons located in the cells of Move, Stop, Hold & Patrol (1,2,3,5 respectively)
ExtraSlot1 = 
ExtraSlot2 = 
ExtraSlot3 = 
ExtraSlot5 = 
;Items declaration goes as 1, 2 for the top row, 3, 4 for the middle row, and 5, 6 for the bottom row
ItemSlot1 =q
ItemSlot2 =0x09
ItemSlot3 =x
ItemSlot4 =
ItemSlot5 =z
ItemSlot6 =
DisplayScoreboard =0xC0
;Tab's keycode = 0x09
ShopsQWERTY = false
;Selection related hotkeys
SelectAllUnits = 3
SelectAllOtherUnits = 4
;Display neutral spawn (block) rectangle, can only use single key (no combinations allowed), space or F1-F12, 0x12 for Alt.
DisplayNeutralsSpawnAreaHotkey = 0x12
DisplayTowerRangeHotkey = 0x12
;Disables AltQ, AltS, AltH etc hotkeys from opening ingame menus
DisableDefaultAltHotkeys = true
MaxFPS = 64
AutoFPSLimit = false
LockMouseAtWindow = false
AutoselectHero = true
DotA2HPBars = false
DisplayManabars = true
WideScreen = false
TeleportationCanOnlyBeStoppedSoft = true
TeleportationCanOnlyBeStopped = false
AutoselectSummonedUnitsRadius = 2500
CloseWC3EveryGame = false
DoubleClickHelperEnabled = false
AutoattackEnabled = false
AutoattackDisabledByStopOnly = false
;Only works if autoattack disabled (false)
SmartAttackEnabled = true
RightClickDeny = true
SelectionHelperEnabled = true
PersonalLatency = 100
Weather = 
FogDensity = 192
AlwaysDisplayRangeMarkers = false
AlwaysDisplayHPRegen = false
SameSelectionCircleForEveryone = false
AdvancedTooltips = true
DisplayRegeneration = true
CustomFPSInfo = true
ChatMessageDuration = 5.0
EscClearsChat = true
EscClearsPlayersChat = true
GoodMinimap = true
ProperColorsForCreeps = true
AlliesAlwaysGreen = false
BetterFPS = false
BetterFPS2 = false
BetterFPS3 = false
DisableDefaultSpace = false
DisableDefaultMouseWheel = true
DisableDefaultTilde = false
ShowTipsWhileDead = true
ShowItemsInMultiboard = false
UseAdvancedHUD = false
DisableAltTogglingHPBars = true
WaterColor = 
IgnoreAllChat = false
HideHeroNames = false
RepeatGameMessagesIntoChatLog = true
AlwaysShowCourierButton = false
HideMinimapSignals = false
ColorblindMode = true
AdvancedStatsIconDisabled = true
CameraHeight = 
SmoothFogReveal = true
;By pressing the hotkey text will be send into the chat
QuickChatText1 = 
QuickChatHotkey1 = 
QuickChatText2 = 
QuickChatHotkey2 = 
QuickChatText3 =
QuickChatHotkey3 = 
QuickChatText4 = 
QuickChatHotkey4 = 
QuickChatText5 = 
QuickChatHotkey5 = 
QuickChatText6 = 
QuickChatHotkey6 = 
QuickChatText7 = 
QuickChatHotkey7 = 
QuickChatText8 = 
QuickChatHotkey8 = 
QuickChatText9 = 
QuickChatHotkey9 = 
QuickChatText10 = 
QuickChatHotkey10 = 
StartChatString1 = 
StartChatString2 = !latency x
StartChatString3 = -cam 1.1
StartChatString4 = -si
StartChatString5 = 
StartChatString6 = 
StartChatString7 = 
StartChatString8 = 
StartChatString9 = 
StartChatString10 = 
StartChatString11 = 
StartChatString12 = 
StartChatString13 = 
StartChatString14 = 
StartChatString15 = 
StartChatString16 = 
StartChatString17 = 
StartChatString18 = 
StartChatString19 = 
StartChatString20 = 
StartChatString21 = 
; for the full list of chat commands available
;Disable help == -dh
;Mouse (right click) Deny == -md
;Autoattack toggling == -aat
;Double click for self-cast == -dch
;Auto-select summons == -es
;Fog density on the minimap = -fd ##
;Camera settings == -cam ##
DisableTexttags = false

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